1. You will receive an email titled “DAVID SHIN & CO CPA requests you to sign ….”
Please open the email on your phone.

2. When you open the email, click the red “Start Signing” button.

3. A web browser will open and display a screen.

Click the red “Proceed to document” button.
4. Check the box next to the statement, “I confirm that I have read and understood the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure and consent to the use of electronic records and signatures”.
Then click the green “Agree & Continue” bar.

5. Click the Signature box.

6. Sign with your finger on the screen.

After finishing your signature, click the red “Ok” button.

7. Click the “Date” box and select today’s date.
8. Click the green “Finish” bar.

9. Done

e-Sign Instruction (ZOHO Sign)